Recent News

Let's Go Zero - IKEA Competition

Miss Wood and the Take Care Reps took part in a competition to win money for our school to be used for future projects around sustainability.  You find out more about the competition here:

To enter we had to make a 1 minute and 30 second video explaining how currently recycle, reduce our waste and carbon footprint and what projects we've planned for the future.  We had a very funny week planning and filming our scenes.  Unfortunately we did not win but the team were so impressed with our enthusiasm that they would like to include the video in their Climate Action Showcase.  Well done Take Care Reps!

World Book Day

We saw some amazing costumes for World Book Day! It's always lovely to see our children particapating and showing off their favourite characters.  We also had a 'Design your own Bookmark' competition, our Take Care Reps helped judge and the lucky winner received a £10 National Book Token.  Well done to everyone who took part and expressed their creative skills.

Don't forget that all children will have received a £1 book token which they can use to purchase a book or swap it at a bookshop! 




Celebrating Black History Month

We celebrated Black History Month in October and this year each class had a key black figure to find out about and they created a piece of work either about them or about Black artists.

These were: Claudia Jones, Mary Seacole, Floella Benjamin, Malorie Blackman, Kelly Holmes, Alex Scott, Lilian Bader and  Josephine Baker. In Year 3, the children looked at Jean-Michel Basquiat and Year 6 looked at the four artists: Frank Bowling, Keith Piper, Sonia Boyce and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye.
In our last Achievers assembly of October, the children shared what they had found out and their amazing work they had completed. 
We are super proud of the awesome work the children have produced and we have asked our local newspaper 'The Nugget' to display their work in their next edition. They will also post it on their Facebook page. Well done Team Larkfields! 


Non-uniform day

Don't forget it will be non-uniform day on Friday 24th November for all children who donate a tombola prize for the Christmas Fair.  Please can all donations either be bought to the office (if glass/fragile) or passed on to the class teacher. Thank you all in advance for your support! 


Christmas Fair

We're having a joint fair with the Infant School this year and it will be held on Friday 1st December from 3:15pm util 5pm. We'll be sending out more informaton via our app so please keep an eye out!


Movie Night!

The Friends of Larkfields are hosting another Movie Night and this year we will be showing episodes of How to Train your Dragon Legends! The full cost is £4 and will include a goodie bag with popcorn, hotdog, drink and sweets. Please make all payments through ParentPay. The Movie Night will run from 3:25pm until 4:30pm.


Welcome Back Larkfields!

We've had a fantastic start to the term with children excited to start their learning!  Please remember to keep an eye on the parent app (Reach More Parents) as we will be posting exciting news and updates for upcoming events this year.



Our most recent Newsletter can be viewed here: 

December Edition




Recent News

Let's Go Zero - IKEA Competition

Miss Wood and the Take Care Reps took part in a competition to win money for our school to be used for future projects around sustainability.  You find out more about the competition here:

To enter we had to make a 1 minute and 30 second video explaining how currently recycle, reduce our waste and carbon footprint and what projects we've planned for the future.  We had a very funny week planning and filming our scenes.  Unfortunately we did not win but the team were so impressed with our enthusiasm that they would like to include the video in their Climate Action Showcase.  Well done Take Care Reps!

World Book Day

We saw some amazing costumes for World Book Day! It's always lovely to see our children particapating and showing off their favourite characters.  We also had a 'Design your own Bookmark' competition, our Take Care Reps helped judge and the lucky winner received a £10 National Book Token.  Well done to everyone who took part and expressed their creative skills.

Don't forget that all children will have received a £1 book token which they can use to purchase a book or swap it at a bookshop! 




Celebrating Black History Month

We celebrated Black History Month in October and this year each class had a key black figure to find out about and they created a piece of work either about them or about Black artists.

These were: Claudia Jones, Mary Seacole, Floella Benjamin, Malorie Blackman, Kelly Holmes, Alex Scott, Lilian Bader and  Josephine Baker. In Year 3, the children looked at Jean-Michel Basquiat and Year 6 looked at the four artists: Frank Bowling, Keith Piper, Sonia Boyce and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye.
In our last Achievers assembly of October, the children shared what they had found out and their amazing work they had completed. 
We are super proud of the awesome work the children have produced and we have asked our local newspaper 'The Nugget' to display their work in their next edition. They will also post it on their Facebook page. Well done Team Larkfields! 


Non-uniform day

Don't forget it will be non-uniform day on Friday 24th November for all children who donate a tombola prize for the Christmas Fair.  Please can all donations either be bought to the office (if glass/fragile) or passed on to the class teacher. Thank you all in advance for your support! 


Christmas Fair

We're having a joint fair with the Infant School this year and it will be held on Friday 1st December from 3:15pm util 5pm. We'll be sending out more informaton via our app so please keep an eye out!


Movie Night!

The Friends of Larkfields are hosting another Movie Night and this year we will be showing episodes of How to Train your Dragon Legends! The full cost is £4 and will include a goodie bag with popcorn, hotdog, drink and sweets. Please make all payments through ParentPay. The Movie Night will run from 3:25pm until 4:30pm.


Welcome Back Larkfields!

We've had a fantastic start to the term with children excited to start their learning!  Please remember to keep an eye on the parent app (Reach More Parents) as we will be posting exciting news and updates for upcoming events this year.



Our most recent Newsletter can be viewed here: 

December Edition




Recent News

Let's Go Zero - IKEA Competition

Miss Wood and the Take Care Reps took part in a competition to win money for our school to be used for future projects around sustainability.  You find out more about the competition here:

To enter we had to make a 1 minute and 30 second video explaining how currently recycle, reduce our waste and carbon footprint and what projects we've planned for the future.  We had a very funny week planning and filming our scenes.  Unfortunately we did not win but the team were so impressed with our enthusiasm that they would like to include the video in their Climate Action Showcase.  Well done Take Care Reps!

World Book Day

We saw some amazing costumes for World Book Day! It's always lovely to see our children particapating and showing off their favourite characters.  We also had a 'Design your own Bookmark' competition, our Take Care Reps helped judge and the lucky winner received a £10 National Book Token.  Well done to everyone who took part and expressed their creative skills.

Don't forget that all children will have received a £1 book token which they can use to purchase a book or swap it at a bookshop! 




Celebrating Black History Month

We celebrated Black History Month in October and this year each class had a key black figure to find out about and they created a piece of work either about them or about Black artists.

These were: Claudia Jones, Mary Seacole, Floella Benjamin, Malorie Blackman, Kelly Holmes, Alex Scott, Lilian Bader and  Josephine Baker. In Year 3, the children looked at Jean-Michel Basquiat and Year 6 looked at the four artists: Frank Bowling, Keith Piper, Sonia Boyce and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye.
In our last Achievers assembly of October, the children shared what they had found out and their amazing work they had completed. 
We are super proud of the awesome work the children have produced and we have asked our local newspaper 'The Nugget' to display their work in their next edition. They will also post it on their Facebook page. Well done Team Larkfields! 


Non-uniform day

Don't forget it will be non-uniform day on Friday 24th November for all children who donate a tombola prize for the Christmas Fair.  Please can all donations either be bought to the office (if glass/fragile) or passed on to the class teacher. Thank you all in advance for your support! 


Christmas Fair

We're having a joint fair with the Infant School this year and it will be held on Friday 1st December from 3:15pm util 5pm. We'll be sending out more informaton via our app so please keep an eye out!


Movie Night!

The Friends of Larkfields are hosting another Movie Night and this year we will be showing episodes of How to Train your Dragon Legends! The full cost is £4 and will include a goodie bag with popcorn, hotdog, drink and sweets. Please make all payments through ParentPay. The Movie Night will run from 3:25pm until 4:30pm.


Welcome Back Larkfields!

We've had a fantastic start to the term with children excited to start their learning!  Please remember to keep an eye on the parent app (Reach More Parents) as we will be posting exciting news and updates for upcoming events this year.



Our most recent Newsletter can be viewed here: 

December Edition

